Shortlist 6 - Phillips New Now (London)

(Fred Tomaselli & Marcus Jahmal)

Conversion Rate Used: 1.34 Dollars to 1 British Pound

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Fred Tomaselli (B. 1956)
Fade Into You (1993)
48 x 48 inches
Pills, leaves, acrylic and resin on wood
Signed, titled and dated on reverse

Estimate: $26,800 to $40,200
(20,000 to 30,000 pounds)
My Recommendation: Bid to $35,000
Result: $60,300 (hammer)

Interested in Fred Tomaselli?

Artist Profile
LA-born and now NYC based artist, Fred Tomaselli has been creating mesmerizing artworks that seem to grow organically, often using organic material, imagine that. Before Damien Hirst started using pills in his art, Tomaselli embedded them into his resin soaked canvases. His intricately detailed works are often filled with hallucinogenic plants, medicinal herbs, newsprint clippings and the pills, of course. All of these elements are held in place by a layer of clear resin. His practice confronts man’s ongoing quest for Utopia and the ideals around it, as well as transcendentalism. It is easy for the viewer to get lost in these works.
My Take
Tomaselli has had auction results as high as $2 million, and has two great galleries working for him in White Cube (London) and James Cohan (NYC). This piece is attractive, but it is a reclamation project of sorts. It was bought and sold at auction in successive years in 2007 for $200,000 & 2008 for $193,000 when Tomaselli’s market was much stronger. And then, two poorly timed sale attempts at auction in 2010 and again in 2013 (with aggressive estimates coming out of Financial Crisis), resulted in Buy-Ins - aka failed to sell. Almost a decade later, this painting is back again, and this time with a very conservative estimate. I do think Tomaselli’s market (and auction market) will get back to where it was. This is an excellent opportunity to get a very attractive work form a great artist, and play the waiting game.
Phillip’s Lot Page

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Marcus Jahmal (B. 1990)
Gold & Oil (2017)
Acrylic and oil stick on canvas
71 ¾ x 59 7/8 inches
Signed, titled an dated on reverse

Estimate: $16,080 to $24,120 (12,000 – 18,000 British Pounds)
My Recommendation: Bid to $30,000 hammer
Result: $22,780 (hammer)

Interested in this Artist?

Artist Profile
NY born and raised painter Marcus Jahmal is only 30 years young and has already garnered interest from a bevy of collectors and top level contemporary galleries. He creates uncanny compositions, and brings them to life with a painterly and colorful style all his own. Moving between interiors, still life, portraits, and landscapes, he finds inspiration from dreams, Americana, city-dwelling, and gentrification.
My Take
Jahmal has been on the fast track the past 5 years, with early shows at Canada Gallery in NYC, which has a well-earned reputation of finding and developing emerging painters. Jahmal is currently represented by Almine Rech gallery, who has galleries in NY, Brussels, Paris and Shanghai. I see him as a rising star and the above work is an excellent portrait. A Comparable lot by the artist sold on Sep. 30 for $27,000 hammer. It was featured on Shortlist 2, and the estimate for this one has creeped up, and I expect this piece to sell for at least $27,000, most likely a little higher. I feel Jahmal’s work is well worth it.
Phillip’s Lot Page
Artist Bio
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Shortlist 7 - Phillips New Now (NYC)


Shortlist 5 - Christie’s First Open Online (NYC)