Shortlist 1 - Christie’s First Open (NYC)

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Esteban Vicente (1903-2001)
Spacious (1970)
65 1/2 x 67 3/4 inches
Oil on Canvas
Signed, titled and dated on the reverse

Estimate: $30,000- $50,000
My Recommendation: Bid up to $45,000
Result: $130,000 (hammer)

Interested in Esteban Vicente?

Artist Profile
First generation Abstract Expressionist. Born in Spain, studied and exhibited in Madrid and Paris up until the mid 1930s, and then due to the Spanish Civil War moved with his wife to NY in 1936 where he exhibited extensively including shows at prominent galleries of the time, Leo Castelli and Andre Emmerich. His abstract paintings often combine jagged geometric shapes and an inner light that gives them a wonderful vibrancy.
My Take
Comparable paintings by Vicente have sold recently at auction for $70,000 to $100,000, and this example is quite attractive and relatively early in the artist’s career. Although I’m not expecting a huge surge in his market, I do think his works will continue to be in demand and a collector will have no problem making a nice exit when he or she desires, with this gorgeous example.
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Sam Gilliam (b. 1933)
Untitled (1970)
18 x 23 inches
Ink, dye, and acrylic on paper
Signed and dated on reverse

Estimate: $8,000 - $12,000.
My Recommendation: Bid up to $24,000.
Result: $32,000 (hammer).

Interested in Sam Gilliam?

Artist Profile
Born in Mississippi, Gilliam is one of the preeminent color field painters of the DC area school that includes Sam Francis, Morris Louis, and Thomas Downing. His market has taken off sharply in the past several years, achieving auction results for paintings over 1 million dollars. Bright colors and atmospheric affects are a hallmark of his work, which can be both subtle and bold in their effects. Beginning in the late 60s, Gilliam began removing his canvases from their stretchers, draping them, hanging them, and folding them resulting in works that painting and sculpture hybrid. An extremely influential and pivotal artist, his rise has been long overdue. Gilliam is represented by Pace Gallery in New York and David Kordansky in LA, both exceptional galleries.
My Take
Recent comparables have sold for $40,000 to $50,000 (including buyers premium). This work on paper is a nice, colorful example of his work that other collectors will like. Although his prices have risen greatly in the past 3 years, there might be a pullback at some point - I’d be surprised if this lot isn’t bid up beyond my limit, but it is always worth a shot. I think Gilliam has another strong decade of price growth ahead of him, so even though his market has run up a lot, he’s still one to buy at the right price.
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Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985)
Paysage avec Deux Personnages (1952)
20 x 26 inches
Ink on paper

Auction House Estimate: $50,000 - $70,000
My Recommendation: Bid up to $55,000
Result: $80,000 (hammer)

Interested in Jean Dubuffet?


Artist Profile
A French artist of great influence, his art is known for a naïve quality, typical of the Art Brut style for which he is credited with founding. This work is an excellent example of this style where he eschewed typical notions of beauty, in search of something more authentic. A staple of all major museums, Dubuffet is about as blue chip as it gets. His paintings now routinely sell in the range of $2-5 million. 
My Take
Comparable works on paper have sold for about $65,000 to $160,000 - I anticipate this work selling for beyond my limit of $55,000 Hammer, but you never know, and it is always a mistake to not keep an eye for a bargain. If it works out, you would walk away with a gorgeous drawing by one of the great figures of 20th Century Art.
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Robert Longo (b. 1953)
Untitled (Mars, Full) (2004)
21 x 24 inches
Charcoal on black paper
Signed and dated on lower right

Auction House Estimate: $15,000 - $20,000
My Recommendation: Bid up to $25,000
Result: $28,000 (hammer)

Interested in Robert Longo?


Artist Profile
For over 40 years, Longo has been painting and drawing black and white, minimalist images - figures in space. Planetscapes are some of his best known, and this is a fine example. A prominent member of the Pictures Generation (others include Cindy Sherman, John Baldessari, Richard Prince and Laurie Simmons), he investigates the impact these signifiers have on how we view both the world and ourselves. “My work is like ripping chunks of the world out and offering to the viewer to contemplate,” offers Longo on his own work. An established star, the work on page 63 is an example of a small study that sold at auction in the Fall of 2020. Bargains like these can still be had at auction from time to time.
My Take
Over the years, Longo has built a top-level collector base and his large works have reached the $1 million mark. As time goes on, I feel that his sleek, cool images will be a symbol of this digital and consumer age. Comparable works of this size have sold for $40,000 to $70,000 at auction and in galleries. A bid up to $25,000 or even a little more is a no-brainer.
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Matthew Day Jackson (b. 1974)
Cadaver Table (2011)
46 x 78 x 35 inches.
Marble, mahogany, silver, lead, obsidian, steel, stainless steel, iron, bronze, concrete, wood, and plastic resin.
From an edition of 3, plus 2 artist’s proofs.

Auction House Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000
My Recommendation: Bid up to $10,000
Result: $9,500 (hammer)

Interested in Matthew Day Jackson?

Artist Profile
Jackson’s work deals with the themes of human progress, westernization, globalization, and the inherent failures of humanity to achieve a utopia. Grand ideas, for sure. He works in all mediums and his shows are usually multi-piece installations. This lot was a centerpiece for a show back in 2011.  
My Take
The artist was very hot 4-5 years ago, but he is still represented and shows with great galleries, including Hauser & Wirth which is as blue-chip as you can get. Just like the circular nature of life, I do feel he will get hot again sometime in the next 5-10 years. His gallery sells lesser works than this for $70,000 and more, so this impressive sculpture is a risk well worth taking, even if you were to just put it in storage. I do realize it might be difficult to live with.
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Sterling Ruby (b. 1972)
RWG3 (2008)
17 x 11 inches
Collage and paint on cardstock
Signed and dated on lower right

Auction House Estimate: $3,000 to $5,000
My Recommendation: Bid up to $6,000
Result: $17,000 (hammer)

Interested in Sterling Ruby?


Artist Profile
A young darling of the collecting world. Famous for large spray paint paintings, and sculptures, as well as some beautiful ceramics and collages. This work is a fabulous mini example of his oeuvre. One of the best looking small works I’ve been able to find. His work deals with the inherent conflicts between desire and social structures. His auction record is above $2 million.
My Take
This work is small, I know. But it is super attractive with great color and represents good value when compared to his much larger works. A winning bid of $6,000 or less will get this work for you, all-in, sub $10,000. Ruby’s long term prospects are very strong, and with representation from established galleries like Gagosian, his market will continue to strengthen over the long haul.
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Shortlist 2 - Phillips New Now (NYC)