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Emma Larsson (B. 1977 in Gothenberg, Swe)
Ikebana Flower 7 (2021)
Oil, acrylic and mixed media on canvas
39 x 39 inches


Interested in Emma Larsson?

 Self-taught, Swedish-born, artist Emma Larson (B. 1977) creates organic watercolors, paintings, collages and sculptures. Each work is in itself, a process of discovery. She starts with a single line, dot, or shape that then leads to another, and so on - works are not planned out, or sketched out, in advance. She finds inspiration in nature, poetry, but also genuine intuition and curiosity.

Larsson is a relative outsider to the mainstream art world, and has only exhibited sporadically over the past 20 years, in Sweden, Denmark, UK, US, and soon in S. Korea. Increasingly, the art world has been more receptive to these “outsiders” and the market and gallerists have been championing more and more of their work. Larsson is benefitting from this trend, but I want to be clear, this is only a tangential factor for me. The quality of her art work, which I have just seen in person here in LA, is by far the primary factor.

She is represented by Simard Bilodeau (Los Angeles and Shanghai) and Guts Gallery (London).

Larsson is just starting to gain some momentum in the art world and market, and on Instagram, which whether we like it or not, has become a powerful tool in the art world. I realize that her position is a little more under the radar than what I have been recommending in both my Shortlist auctions picks and primary market shows, but I feel she has a lot of potential, and at her current price points it is a great opportunity for fans of her work.


Katherine Bernhardt: Toucan green/orange (2016)


Marcus Jahmal: Mystical Forest Trooper (2017)